Hmm, 08年的RR演这种父亲角色感觉还是嫩了点现实中哪有什么蓦然回首那人还在灯火阑珊处movie lies"-What's the boy word for slut-They still haven't come up with one yet. But I'm sure they're working on it." No they are not.
很套路不新鲜不亮眼的开场让我以为看几分钟就会放弃没想成功被套路忽悠居然看到boss现身说法段落第三幕没有惊喜眼花撩乱且显得粗糙的动作戏主角光环让第三幕成了垃圾时间如果让男主一直维持无法摆脱背锅毒品嫌疑的开放式结尾是不是更牵动人心呢女主是男主的精神导师但戏少没能很好平衡以至于女主单打独斗场面让人很出戏影片点到为止的养眼镜头不少挺干净不腻人6.7/8557 短评1995条 %44/47/9 【x战警:天启下载】
Ridiculously thought-provoking. The underside of the American dream. When it is often presented as a path to follow, a social and personal ascension, possibly all the way to the top, American Psycho proposes to show us not how you get there, but who you have become at the end of the journey. The MC is a narcissistic imposter, an ultra-conformist consumer, and a cold rational serial killer. Incapable of empathy, fascinated by violence, obsessed with symbols of success, materialistic to the core and profoundly unhappy. But is it possible to break free from the nuclear chain reaction of simulacrums? A radical answer is given at the ending, an outstanding "chute".